We think Tony looks great in his new frames. Let our friendly experts help you to choose the perfect eyewear to suit you. Ring 01382 224620 to book an appointment.
Maureen’s new glasses
We love the way Maureen looks in her new glasses. Ring 01382 224620 and let our friendly team help you choose your new eyewear. Our expertise takes the stress of choosing away, and you can relax, and enjoy the whole experience.
Jackie’s new frames
We love the way Jackie looks in her new frames. To book an appointment to choose your new eyewear ring 01382 224620 and let our friendly team help you make the most of your vision.
Patricia’s new glasses
We think Patricia looks fantastic in her new rimless glasses. Ring 01382 224620 to book an appointment to view our collection, and allow our friendly team to help you find glasses that really suit you, and enable you to see clearly.
Hamaad’s new glasses
We think Hamaad looks great – and he can see clearly – in his new glasses.
Emma’s new glasses
We love the way Emma looks in her first-ever glasses. Ring 01382 224620 to book an appointment so we can look after your children’s eyes.
Heather’s new glasses
We love the way Heather looks in her new glasses. Let us help you choose your new eyewear by ringing 01382 224620 to book an appointment.
Caroline’s new glasses
We think Caroline looks stunning in her new glasses. To choose your new frames ring 01382 224620 and our very friendly team will help you choose a great frame to suit you and your eyesight.
UV protection.
Now the summer months are approaching it’s the time to be thinking of protecting your eyes from the damage that UV light can cause. We have a great range of frames that we can make into sunglasses for you, and we also offer clear lenses that offer UV protection. Ring 01382 224620 for more details or to book abn appointment.
Ross’s new glasses
We think Ross really suits his new glasses -he looks great.