

Fresh air

The research shows that at the current time when we’re all spending so much time on our screens it is really good to for both our eyehealth and general health to get out into the fresh air. Now the evenings are drawing out and the weather is a little milder there is no excuse not to get out and about and enjoying the start of spring, benefiting your eyes and vision, and your general wellbeing.

Screen time

With so many of us using screens more and more it’s perhaps not surprising that we’re suffering from sore, tired eyes. Follow the 20:20:20 rule; every 20 minutes look up from your screen for 20 seconds, 20 feet away, if possible. During that time give several full blinks – and remember to keep blinking when you return to your screen.

It’s also very important for both your eye and general health to try and take some exercise out of doors in the fresh air and (hopefully) sunshine each day so try and get out for a walk, cycle or run.

New Year, new eyecare

We realise that you may be worried coming into the practice to have your eyes examined in the current situation, but we have worked hard to put in the protocols and procedures to keep you safe. Your eyes and eyesight are very important and travel is allowed for medical care, which includes eyecare, so please book your appointment, or ring us on 01382 224620 if you have any concerns.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all our kind, loyal and supportive patients – and to those of you who will become new patients in 2021.

What a year it has been; let’s hope that 2021 wii be a great year!

We have all the procedures in place to keep you safe, so look after your eyes in 2021 and book an appointment by ringing 01382 224620 or 07837 678 339.and we look forward to welcoming you to the practcie.