Because we are an independent practice with a very personal service, you can be sure that you are entering a safe and welcoming place for your (so far) essential and emergency eye care.

Because we are an independent practice with a very personal service, you can be sure that you are entering a safe and welcoming place for your (so far) essential and emergency eye care.
If you are struggling with your vision or have a problem with your eyes, ring 07837 678 339 to book an appointment for essential or emergency eyecare.
I’m not saying to never eat chips or other treats (chocolate is my favourite) but remember that healthy eating – lots of coloured fruits and vegetables and especially yellow foods like egg yolks, yellow peppers and sweetcorn – can bring real benefits to your eyes and eyesight.
We have taken every precaution to make sure you are safe, so make sure that if you have any doubts or worries about your eyes or eyesight you ring 07837 678 339 to book an appointment for emergency or essential eyecare.
It’s really nice to be seeing real patients again, albeit in a very limited way. We’re still not allowed to do routine eye examinations, but are able to perform emergency and essential eyecare. To book an appointment please ring 07837 678 339.
We’re very committed to keeping you safe whilst we provide essential and emergency eyecare, so we’re following all the advice and rules. Ring 07837 678 339 for an appointment.
Although we’re not yet allowed to do routine eye examinations, we are allowed to do emergency and essential eyecare; ring 07837 678 339 for an appointment.
Although we remain closed for routine eye examinations, from Monday 29th of June we will be open, by appointment only , for essential and emergency eyecare. Please ring 07837 678 339 to book an appointment.
Although we’re still in lockdown, we continue to support Guide Dogs. Our previous puppy. Buddie, has completed his training, so we are sponsoring Bailey. Isn’t he cute?
If you’re out of doors a lot during lockdown, make sure you protect your eyes against UV light by wearing good-quality sunglasses and/or a wide-brimmed hat.