We’re very committed to keeping you safe whilst we provide essential and emergency eyecare, so we’re following all the advice and rules. Ring 07837 678 339 for an appointment.
Although we’re not yet allowed to do routine eye examinations, we are allowed to do emergency and essential eyecare; ring 07837 678 339 for an appointment.
Latest corona virus update
Although we remain closed for routine eye examinations, from Monday 29th of June we will be open, by appointment only , for essential and emergency eyecare. Please ring 07837 678 339 to book an appointment.
Guide Dogs
Although we’re still in lockdown, we continue to support Guide Dogs. Our previous puppy. Buddie, has completed his training, so we are sponsoring Bailey. Isn’t he cute?
If you’re out of doors a lot during lockdown, make sure you protect your eyes against UV light by wearing good-quality sunglasses and/or a wide-brimmed hat.
Missing you all…
We can’t wait to get back to our normal practice – we miss you all. Stay well and see you soon…
Your children’s eyehealth during lockdown
Research has shown that playing out of doors is very good for your children’s eyesight. In these strange times try and let them play in the fresh air and sunshine as much as possible. It will be good for their spirits as well as their health.
Corona virus update
It looks like opticians are going to be in the third stage of returning to something near normal service in the third stage of coming out of lockdown. Obviously we will be looking at our method of working very carefully, but we’re really looking forward to being able to see you all again.
Screen time
We are all in danger of spending too much time on our phones, tablets and computers; please remember the 20:20:20 rule. Every 20 minutes look up 20 feet away if you can, for 20 seconds. During the 20 seconds give some good blinks. Your eyes and head will thank you.
Eye Health
Obviously we can’t examine your eyes just now (and we do miss you all), but if you need helps ring us on 01382 224620 and leave a message and we’ll get back to you. Meanwhile eat well, and try and get out-of-doors for some exercise (protecting your eyes from UV light) to keep your eyes healthy.