We think Michelle looks beautiful in her new glasses.

We think Michelle looks beautiful in her new glasses.
Now the evenings are drawing in do you find it difficult to drive in dusky and dark conditions? An anti-reflection coating can really help. Ring 01382 224620 for further details.
We think Vada looks really sweet in her new glasses.
We love the way Eleanor looks in her new glasses.
Smokers are three to four times as likely to go blind with macular degeneration (the largest cause of blindness in Scotland) than non-smokers, and smoking is also a risk factor for cataracts and dry eye syndrome. There is so much help available to help you stop- for the sake of your eyesight take advantage of it.
Children often don’t realise that they may have a problem with their eyes- the assume everyone else sees the same- and especially if the problem is only in one eye (which can have huge repercussions in later life) the parents may not realise there is a problem either. The safest thing is to book an eye examination (free for everyone in Scotland through the NHS). Ring 01382 224620 for an appointment for your children. We make the eye examination fun and have a dedicated children’s area which our regular young patients make straight for.
Friday’s topic for National Eye Health Week is digital eyestrain. Using digital media can cause great strain on our eyes, causing discomfort, dry eyes and headaches. Make sure that you can easily see your digital media, using glasses particularly for that distance if required. Then remember the 20:20:20 rule- every 2o minutes look away fro your screen for 20 seconds, 20 feet away if you can. And remember to blink- we sometimes forget when we’re concentrating. Ring 021382 224620 to book an appointment if you’re suffering from eyestrain or dry eyes.
Diabetic retinopathy (pictured- the red spots are haemorrhages) is one of the largest causes of blindness in Scotland. if you are diabetic it is very important to try and keep your weight down and your blood sugar level low, to try to prevent this happening. Regular appointments for digital retinal photography and eye examinations will allow diabetic retinopathy to be detected in the early stages when treatment is possible. Ring 01382 224620 for further information.
Research shows that having good vision as we get older adds immeasurably to our quality of life. Having a regular eye examination allow us the best possible vision in comfortable glasses and also the optician is able to pick up sight-threatening conditions in the early stages, when treatment is beneficial. At Lindsay and Johnson Opticians we also offer a domiciliary service when we can come to your own home if you’re unable to get to the practice for health reasons. Ring 01382 224620 to book an appointment.
Healthy eyes require good nutrition. Dark leafy vegetables, yellow foods and coloured fruits and berries are all good. Call into the practice for free magazines and recipe cards (whilst stocks last).
Maintaining a healthy weight is also important for good eyesight. Obesity is a risk factor for all the four major causes of blindness in the UK – macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and cataracts. I know it’s not easy, but try and achieve/maintain a healthy weight – your eyes will thank you for it!