The best way to make your vision last your lifetime is to have regular eye examinations. They are free on the NHS. To book, ring 01382 224620 and let us take great care of your precious eyes.

The best way to make your vision last your lifetime is to have regular eye examinations. They are free on the NHS. To book, ring 01382 224620 and let us take great care of your precious eyes.
The latest research suggests that playing outside is very good for children’s eyesight. It can be hard to drag your children from their digital devices, but for the sake of their eyes and vision try and encourage them to down tools and get out into the fresh air. We are lucky in Dundee with the beach and parks on our doorstep, so get out and enjoy the outdoor life.
It’s not too late to have your children’s eyes examined before they start/go back to school. Children often don’t realise that their vision is not as good as that of their classmates, or that one eye is not as good as the other and they need good vision to make the most of their schooldays. We make the eye examination fun and you can then be reassured that your child is starting the school year with the best vision possible. If your child does need glasses we have a great range of children’s frames. We all want the very best for our children- so let us take care of their precious eyesight
I’ve recently seen a couple of patients who were unwittingly driving illegally, because their vision wasn’t good enough. Changes can happen so gradually it is easy to drop under the limit without realising it. Usually all that is needed is to wear glasses to correct distance vision- so have your eyes examined for the sake of everyone’s road safety. An anti-reflection coating on your glasses can also help enormously with night-driving. Ring 01382 224620 to book an appointment and let us help you see clearly at all distances.
We love the way Lesley’s looking in her new frames- and how happy she’s looking.
We’ll transform the way you choose your glasses. Do you hate choosing new frames? Choosing new glasses can be very difficult, but with our great range and friendly expert advice you can be sure of choosing a frame that suits you, and lenses that make the most of your vision- and choosing new frames will become a pleasure, not a trial. Book an appointment on 01382 224620.
There is so much you can do to keep your eyes healthy; have your eyes examined regularly (ring 01382 224620 to book an appointment with us); don’t smoke; give up smoking if you do smoke; eat healthily with lots of coloured foods; exercise regularly; get out into the fresh air; keep a sensible weight; don’t stare at a screen too long. For further advice contact us on 01382 224620- we will welcome your call.
Diana models her new prescription sunglasses which as well as giving her protection against the sun (and Dundee is one of the sunniest places in Britain- yes, really) protect her against UV light. UV light is linked with the development of cataracts and macular degeneration (AMD), the largest cause of blindness in the UK. You can protect your eyes against UV light by wearing sunhats and scarfs, and by having UV protection in the form of good quality sunglasses, either prescription or ordinary, or by UV protection incorporated into your lenses, which is automatically done with most high index (thinner) lenses or in the form of an anti-reflection coating combined with UV protection. Ask your optician for details, or we are delighted to help- ring 01382 224620 to book a consultation.
Do you eyes feel tired? The modern world makes so many demands on our vision it’s not surprising that our eyes get tired. What can we do about it?Firstly, make sure that your glasses are up-to-date; you could be straining your eyes if you need a change in prescription. Secondly make sure the light you’re working under is more than adequate for your task. Next, take regular breaks from close work, looking up from it for a few seconds, gazing into the distance and blinking. Finally, eat well- and get enough sleep!!
Live- multifocal contact lenses allow clear, comfortable vision at any distance. I LOVE mine. We have the time and patience to take the trouble to find the lenses that are perfect us for you. Call us on 01382 224620 for your FREE trial.